Monday, August 04, 2008

Good morning

" JESUS said to her, " I am the resurrection and the life. He who beleives in ME will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and beleives in ME will never die. Do you beleive this? "
John 11 : 25

One of our freind die of cancer at the age of 60, I have peace for him because he was a beleiver.

LORD YOU don't call us to die, but to live with YOU for ever. Life is short just the time to receive YOU and to tell others, through our belief and actions.

Thank you FATHER for YOUR love and patience with us for YOUR direction. YOU don't want to loose nobody, YOU want all YOUR children with YOU. Thank you FATHER

Please don't wait until you think you are perfect or not good enough or to busy , receive the LORD and beleive in HIM now that you are a live. HE loves you the way you are.


With love