Friday, July 04, 2008

Good morning

By YOUR Power, LORD, by YOUR Infinit power, YOU raise us from death. When we come to YOU and ask you to come unto our heart unto our life, that immense power who raise JESUS from daith, raise our soul our spirit from death, we are born again into the life that you give us when YOU created Adam, when YOU create the first man at YOUR image with YOUR Holy Spirit.
That is why YOUR love who live in me love YOU in return so very much .
We have the choice her on earth during our life to welcome YOU in our life or to reject YOU or ignor YOU who is the same thing.

When YOU came into my life LORD in 1970, YOU kept YOUR Promise, YOU never leaved me or forsake me. I learned so much with YOU LORD, and I continue to learn, even my highest thoughts for YOU grow higher and deeper every day. I will be with YOU for Eternity LORD. I love to be with YOU FATHER.
For thoses who don't know YOU, YOU are a loving GOD, not in a human way who make YOU appear at our level, but a Higher Holy, powerful and loving GOD who create us.

Than you FATHER